this is a swamp, a seszpool, and somebody should be dropping 1,000 subpoenas on it right now. >> and it's been floating around in the public ether for the past three years. no matter how the market changes, your retirement savings need care and attention from year to year. open a t.rowe price smartchoice rollover ira, and let our professionals manage it for you. just choose the retirement fund closest to your expected retirement date. our fund managers will adjust the investment mix over time to become more conservative as your retirement date nears. all with no loads, sales charges or commissions. visit our website, or call our investment guidance specialists at 1800-681-2294 and consider a move that could make all the difference in your retirement. the t. rowe price smartchoice rollover 1800-681-2294 request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses and other information to read and consider carefully