do it. >> i think that it's taken us a long time to develop a bullying problem and it's going to take us some time to solve it. >> reporter: it's why there are no federal guidelines school must follow regarding bullying. they're on their own. in smalley's state of oklahoma, each school district deals with bullying in different ways. it's something else that infewer it's a smalley. >> a lot of schools around the country, their answer to bullying is they let the victim leave a little bit early. they let them go home early to get a head start on the bully. and you're singling this child out. this child has been picked on, you're singling him out now. >> reporter: real solutions will come too late for ty, but kirk smalley is on that mission. >> we kept this alive through the summer. >> reporter: it's why he organizes vigils at the oklahoma state house. he thinks bullying ought to be a crime. and it's why he tries to convince other kids to stand up for the bullied. >> save their fragile self

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