being built in 40 different congressional districts in ten or 20 different states so that everybody has a political vested interest in keeping it going. and bob gates, my defense secretary, has been really good about pushing hard on that. and we won some battles. but that's going to be an area we have to take a serious look at as well, you know, when we put forward a plan for getting handle on our long-term debt and deficits. okay? >> the president there. we'll continue to monitor the president. he is taking questions in des moines, iowa. this is the latest stop on a four-state tour. campaign style. talking about the economy, health, a couple of the backyard chats. he is moving from des moines, iowa, over to richmond, virginia, later today before heading back to the white house this evening. we'll continue to monitor that q&a f anything pops out, we'll certainly bring that you to. we go from the president and his number one issue, the economy, to the first lady and her big issue these days has