come until 2014. still, recent polls show the law remains unpopular. >> i voted against the health care bill because i thought it would be too expensive. >> reporter: even some democrats are running against it. health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius argues the law will come around. >> why is this law so unpopular? >> i think it's more confusing than popular. >> you would grant that it's unpopular right now? it's not as popular as you would like? >> that's accurate. i think it's based, though, a lot on people believing that the law contains elements that it doesn't have. death panels. >> you're ready to have this debate all over again? >> i am indeed. >> reporter: so does the president who points to parts of the bill that aren't popular. >> if young people don't have health insurance through their employer, they can stay on their parents' health insurance up to the age of 26.

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