>> if anyone ever accuses me of getting something wrong, i'll cap 'em. >> never call a person with an automatic weapon just a weather man. >> don't that. and it's much more than forecasting. militarily, there's a lot more that has to be considered. you know, can i get across the river? can i get through a mountain pass? and they'll go in and reach out to the locals in afghanistan and iraq and have trained the locals to take weather observations. the more information you have before going into a mission or battle, the better. >> it's true. so they have weather watchers, as well. in iraq and afghanistan. >> exactly. >> thanks, rob. top stories as we cross the half hour. trying to get answers from the tea party candidate for senate in delaware. christine o'donnell's past spending is raising legal and ethical questions. she canceled all appearances on sunday talk shows this weekend but told our gary tuchman last night that her campaigns have been ethical. it is now the deadliest year