in the country. >> and, wolf, my dear, you know you're my bff, but you may be surprised to find out that that is one of the newest entries in the new oxford american dictionary. joining best friend forever in the big book are other texting short cuts including lmao -- that means laughing my "buns" off. and we can thank sarah palin of another edition of "hockey mom." this may be the biggest addition of web speak and slang words ever in the oxford dictionary. wolf, ttyl, talk to you later. that's the biggest list of the day. >> omg -- lol, are those on the list too? >> i'm going to check. >> see if omg and lol are. >> i will, i promise. >> thank you, get back to me. >> okay. the obama family makes a rare church visit. could it be a political move? we'll talk about that and a lot more in our strategy session. and delaware is a