fast. not only can you ruin your credit rating, of course, that can impact your job options. a default stays with you forever, essentially, until you go ahead and rectify that situation. for people who have professional licenses like doctors, lawyers, even morticians, anybody who gets a state-generated license, not paying off that means your career license could be revoked. so it gets really bad. you could have your wages garnished, tax refund checks taken, all that stuff. >> does that mean there's a chain in how we're perceiving student loan debt? >> i think that increasingly people are recognizing that student loan debt is america's other huge debt problem. we've got to do something to fix it. people know about credit card debt. but people are asking questions, is it worth it to get a college education? is there a big payoff? or will i be saddled with debt for 30 years? >> that's something people don't think about. okay, look, i'm in a situation. can i defer my payments?

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