trail a lot, i meant tied. >> well you didn't die. >> you've got a tracker following you waiting for you to trip up. >> christine, christine, i'm just saying why you didn't tie him, either. >> look at the results. >> i did. he beat you. it was close. >> and what did they say, 49-49? i call that a tie. >> no, christine, he won in votes. you know that. >> that was wgmd's dan gaffney. we'll see if o'donnell takes palin's advice and only talks with like-minded interviewers. long ago she appeared on mtv and bill maher, she spoke from her heart. i mentioned primary night, today walking it back a bit saying he was dishing up straight talk as a fox news analyst pointing out he did endorse her, quote, for the republican in each and every race. but he also repeated the original criticism. >> then she needs to also be able to answer these questions