where the action was and will continue to be. just an amazing night. although we have to stop saying the nights are amazing. it seems every time we run up and against and say, oh, this may be an upset. now we should probably start expecting it. except one small problem, the primary season's over. >> we're going to talk to christine o'donnell coming up in a little bit. and one of the questions we'll have to ask her, how does she plan to mend some fences down in delaware? obviously there's some pretty hard feelings. and this is an unprecedented -- down in florida, remember, rick scott, the man who won the republican nomination for governor down there was sort of an upstart, wasn't expected to win, and then sort of ripped it away from the attorney general down there. and, you know, this is just one of those volatile election years where you're going to see folks come out of the wood work and win races. >> and what's interesting is, it has been most volatile on the republican side. >> absolutely. >> and if you look at the democratic side, we've had really very, very few surprises.