the white house insists that over the long term, costs will come down, but apparentlyot until lo after costs go up -- some more. here's a question -- the white house says health care form will become more popular? do you agree with that? go to post a comment on my blog. not a good sign. the president's signature issue, not a single democrat running for election in the midterms is featuring the health care law in their campaign ads. >> a lot of the democrats are trying to ruvon away from their vote right now. that's a good point you're making, jack. those who votedgainst i are bragging about it. it's a good subject for discussion. >> there you go. >> hrs to go before another primary day, the u.s. senate race in delaware is getting uglier. establishment republican candidate mike cassel is feeling more threatened than ever by his conservative challenger, christine o'donnell. ell donns the tea party movement support and sarah palin on her side. brian todd went to delaware to