producers in our "in nobuameric now but that day out there field producing. rose, appreciate you. thank you for coming in this morning. >> thank you, t.j. you're seeing some of the live pictures. we'll be sharing those with you throughout the morning of what's happening down there at ground zero and other places. shanksville, we will take you there live. and the pentagon, all these places where ceremonys will be happening today to remember the victims of this day nine years ago. we know how we remember 9/11 in this country, but for other parts of the world, what do they do on this day? do they pause for a moment, as well, to remember the victims of 9/11? we'll show you what the rest of the world is doing. it's 37 minutes past the hour. ' . [ female announcer ] you can't pass inspection with pieces left behind. that's why there's charmin ultra strong. its enhanced diamondweave texture is soft and more durable. more durable so you're left wi a more dependable clean. ♪ fewer pieces left behind, plus all that charmin softness. looks good son.

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