folk hero, when he deployed the plane's emergency chute after fighting with a passenger. he faces felony charges of reckless endangerment and criminal mischief as well as criminal trespass. the judge says he will consider requiring slater to attend anger management and drug/alcohol abuse counseling as part of a plea agreement. i love this story. >> it's interesting. he was a hero, then questions were raised and people turned against him. now, i don't know. i don't know where i stand on him anymore. >> well, what i will tell you is that he still has over 200,000 fans on facebook and has legal defense funds. if you have loose cash rolling around in your pockets, anderson, you know where to send it. >> i'm sure he will do the rounds of television after the court case is over. >> he was in court with a publicist today. you can be sure of that. >> oh. >> and made-for-tv movie is being considered. >> really? >> will you watch, anderson?