hire two or three more employees or more. and try to build this out and dig out company by company. but you're likely to get a lot of republican opposition. and they, frankly, have been against his economic plans from day one. they would say that he hasn't sought out their participation. it's the classic finger pointing back and forth. but at the end of the day, there is a tight window of less than two months now for this administration to convince the american people that the economy is getting better. and frankly, they just haven't done -- haven't made that sale yet. >> and as you and i talked last week, there were definitely indicators last week that have got a lot of people saying, including conservative commentators that maybe we're not headed for a double dip recession. however, the white house is very clear, there are some economists who say we need more money, we need more of a stimulus. the white house being very, very careful not to discuss any of this in terms of stimulus, not to use that word. >> absolutely. because i mean, it's a definitional thing now. the fact is, it's become almost