administration do? >> well, it made a huge mistake there is no prospect for success. by tripling the number of troops there. and if you are -- and it is really immoral to be sending troops to fight in a mission that they can't succeed at because, again, you don't have that credible partner. so i would say change the mission to something that is achievable, namely protecting the nonpashtun parts of the country where the taliban is not present and go to kabul and therefore you could do it with 10,000 troops instead of 100,000. >> i have had officials say to me, peter, in the last few days that they are worried about karzai, that he seems to be act ing in a bizarre way, firing one bureau chief, getting rid of one security chief and now firing his one u.s. ambassador. do you see karzai becoming more erratic? >> he has a long history of being erratic, of temper