they had to move in. that's when they moved in and shot him. it seems like there's simply some confusion over that right now, anderson. although of course there will be a lot of questions to make sure that's cleared up to see what really happened. >> a lot of scary moments today, just watching this thing unfold. tom, appreciate the reporting. >> as tom mentioned, you heard in that clip james lee talking on the phone. hostage negotiators discovered they were dealing with a really volatile guy. beyond that, though, we wanted to find out what we could about this guy, lee. amber lyons has been working that angle. amber, tell us what you've learned. >> reporter: well, good evening, anderson. before we get into 43-year-old james lee, i just want to mention that in the past hour we've heard four loud pops coming from the direction of the discovery communications building, which is a couple of blocks over my shoulder. we don't quite know yet what they were, but they did sound like explosions going off. but now let's get into 43-year-old james lee. we spoke with a forensic psychologist earlier today, dr. helen morrison, and she says she compares lee's behavior to that

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