to the scenement they're on site now, i would imagine. the fire marshals there are the explosive experts. they are trying to determine what that device is, whether it's explosive or not. we don't know that it is an explosive device. but they do seem to think that they are tanks. now, as far as police know, he's not fired any weapons. but we have heard that he appears to have a revolver on him. initial call that came in were that shots were fired. that's everything we know at the moment. i've got michelle forman on the phone. she is across the street in a building on the seventh floor, had a better vantage point of this than we do from here. michelle, any developments since we last spoke? >> not really. every now and then, the officers will shift or move. but there has been -- we haven't seen anything. >> erin cohen, are you on the phone? erin?