>> larry: guitar's first. >> guitar. >> larry: is that what you did at 12? where did you learn the guitar? >> my grandmother was a music teacher, and my grandfather taught me a few chords on the guitar before he died. i was 6 years old when he died. but then my grandmother taught my sister and i a lot about music. she learned to read. and i'd sit on the piano. while she was reading i'd sit there and play guitar and try to learn the chords. so i learned a lot from just listening to her. >> larry: when did you learn to sing? >> i was singing along and i was writing poems. i was writing poems before i would write melodies, about things i couldn't have possibly known anything about, love and no love and at 5 years old, what do you know about this stuff. >> larry: did your voice sound like that then? like it sounds now? what did you sound like at 12? >> i had a high voice, and i went through the same problem that every guy goes through when his voice changes. i was playing clubs, and my