that he thinks that some of the critics on the left of this president are not seeing all the accomplishments that he's had. and that maybe they need to be drug tested. as you can imagine, the liberal blogosphere has lit up over that one saying this shows the white house is out of touch. that maybe some of the top aides like robert gibbs don't understand how much dissatisfaction is out there. yesterday robert gibbs did not show up at the briefing. he had bill burton do it after the story exploded. you can imagine everyone started chattering, did gibbs pull out at the last minute. they insisted he had a cold. bill burton briefed yesterday. when i pressed him on this, he joked that he was maybe going to drug test me and give me a syringe. i said, look, thank you very much. i don't need to do that. i think it shows you that they're trying to shift the subject, joke around a little bit about the story. then today robert gibbs did kind of the same thing. he went up to the podium, he did have a little bit of a sore throat. i don't think they were making that up.