area because it's such a small area. so we put three finds in here. you look inside the shoe, it's actually tobacco. and this is actually a find we found inside the prison. >> another thing we have in california that is illegal is tobacco. so we've trained our dogs not only to find cell phones but also to find tobacco. so far in the last couple months we found probably over 300 pounds of tobacco throughout our prison system. and that's all based on the ability of our dogs to get in there and do searches inside the institutions. >> all right. you yell when he has that phone. >> jason, what is the penalty if you get caught? you're already if prison and then you find i have a cell phone. >> it can carry six years additional. >> six years for a cell phone? >> absolutely. >> what about a bag of pot? >> a lot less. >> so a cell phone is more -- is worth more time -- all right. we've got it. we've got the cell phone. we found the cell phone. >> let's see.

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