decision to run for president of haiti. we're back with sharks. hypothetically, if a shark was coming at you or you were thinking of swimming in a great body of water, i actually have a list of things that people on this particular website about shark attacks have said. always swim in a group because i guess if you're swimming alone, they think you are a sea lion or seal. is that correct? avoid the water at night, dawn or dusk. is that correct? >> dawn and dusk are peak feeding times for sharks. good time to avoid. >> don't enter the water if you are bleeding. >> it's a gimme. >> i think that makes sense. don't wear shiny jewelry. they think it's a fin or -- >> that can be an old wives tale. >> that's just because men don't want to buy us bling. >> it could be. >> avoid waters that are being fished a lot. >> definitely. >> because, to me, then you're going to end up on a hook more than a shark. here is one. don't enter the water if sharks are present.