committed serious crimes in the united states of america in our state. that's what the law will do. it will address the symptom of a broken border. that is very legitimate because the federal government hasn't carried out its responsibilities. >> your friend in the united states senate, lindsey graham, has something else he says he is considering now because of the frustration across the country with the illegal immigration issue. i want you to listen to senator graham. >> i may introduce a constitutional amendment that changes the rules. if you have a child here, birth right citizenship i think is a mistake, that we should change our constitution and say, if you come here illegal and you have a child, that child is automatically not a citizen. >> do you support your friend there? do you think we need to amend the constitution? >> look, it's one of the issues, again, that's a symptom of broken borders because people shouldn't be able to come here illegally in order to have if children. my focus right now is to get the surveillance, the people and the fences built and reinforced in