i want you to listen to michael mccall, of texas, a republican, on the ethics committee. >> let me be clear that mr. rangel under these rules was given opportunities to negotiate a settlement during the investigation phase. we are now in the trial phase. >> in the trial phase, gloria borger, and i assume that means no chance to settle and potential embarrassment not only for congressman rangel. >> yeah, i think what you heard from the congressman, john, is it's too late to settle. they've given him the opportunity to settle before and he decided not to and now this is going ahead. this is something, as you know, the democrats in the house don't want. i mean, they say, look, we tried to drain the swamp, as nancy pelosi put it, when she became speaker. but it's been -- this is very, very tough for them because suddenly charlie rangel becomes a poster child for a corrupt congress that the republicans are going to want to run against. >> john, we do know, also, that there's talk that the ethics committee is still meeting right