heat stroke is something people talk about quite a bit. that's when were your body temperature gets over 104 degrees. simply from exercising. and all sorts of things start to happen to your body. one of the biggest things is that you stop sweating. you are cooling mechanisms simply shut down. other warning signs as well -- you might start to feel weak, headaches, dizziness, nausea or vomiting and again hallucinations, coma and even possibly death. you want to make sure you drink enough water but you don't want to drink too much, either. you drink too much water, you might start to develop a condition when the salt levels in your body get too low. look, you know your body best. best advice -- simply don't overdo it and take control if you start to feel any of those symptoms. when we come back we got some more sights and sounds coming up from the finish line. stay with "sgmd."