yet to see a positive interview that came of his own of interviewing alvin greene and to be honest, don, you did an interview with alvin greene and you were a little condescending that you had. has there been a time before where you asked a candidate or anyone you actually any viewed whether they had mental faculties issues. that's probably one of the things i was referring to. there's very little positive things coming out of alvin greene's interview. >> i understand what you're saying. when i spoke to him, the way he answered the questions and not answered the questions, the way he sounded on the telephone, there was a genuine concern about his well-being and that's a question i asked him. there was no condissension there. i think it was asking the question just about everyone in the audience wanted to know. was he okay and that was the question. there was no condissension there. it was his responses to the question that may have, you may have -- you should probably be taking issue with. i ask everyone the same question i'd ask any other candidate the same question. i respect that you asked that