obviously, it's a concern to people, which is why they say they're going to develop a test out of an abuddens of caution, but as things stand now, there isn't a test. they're being really strict on where you can and were not fish. >> sanjay, those ten people taste-testing fish, wouldn't even let you put a camera on them, they are ubld are a lot of pressure right now. aren't they? >> reporter: especially the local tasters. these are very well-trained people. they say with 90% accuracy, campbell, through smelling uncooked fish. smelling cooked fish and eating it, they can tell if a fish is tainted in some way. detect up to 10 parts per million of chemicals. a sophisticated process. the concern, this is a huge industry out here, campbell. if there's a local tester, if somehow it comes to be known that person said the fish was tainted, that area la to stay closed in terms of fishing, they're worried about backlash. why some didn't want to be film