then we'll have a very aggressive and very comprehensive survey of that area for reopening. >> and dr. sanjay gupta joining us live now from new orleans. sanjay that is incredible to me, that they are not testing for dispersants at this point. you you have any sense having talked to anybody and investigated when that's going to start happening? >> reporter: they say the test is in development now. for some time, campbell, they weren't sure exactly which chemicals or which components of the dispersants they should test for. if you look at the list, there's 12 things they test for chemically, those are oil breakdown products. figuring out what to test for specifically is the first step and now developing the test. when it comes to dispersants, they don't bioaccumulate in fish. they don't build up. even if a fish is exposed to it, they say it's unlikely a human who eats that fish is going to have an exposure.

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Reporter ,Area ,Sanjay ,Sanjay Gupta ,Survey ,Reopening ,New Orleans ,Igor Sutyagin ,There Isn Ta Test ,Point ,Sense ,Dispersants ,They Weren T ,Campbell ,Development ,Anybody ,Products ,Chemicals ,Step ,Things ,Components ,List ,12 ,They Dont Bioaccumulate In Fish ,Rad It ,Human ,They Dont Build Up ,Exposure ,

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