regulate immigration, and he is trying to regulate immigration as much as he tries to hide it over and over, he knows full well they created a new offense of not having your documents with you. the issue of racial profiling that he can just wipe it away so easy, well, it's because you're a white person, mr. pierce. >> what an idiot. >> you don't have any qualms about racial profiling at all, you should be concerned about our libs in this country and you should be concerned about the fact the. the facts are that immigrants are a an absolute plus to our economy. that's why we have 11 million undocumented people here, not because we're giving give-outs. it's the exact opposite. immigrants contribute much more than they ever take out in health care and educational costs in anything. you look at any credible study, mr. pierce, which you should, because you're an elected official. you should have a real body of