racked up 100,000 views on youtube with this spot showing the congressional candidate and her son taking shooting practice in the desert. that's her sporting a tommy gun. >> we would never imagine in a million years it went as far as it did. >> reporter: we caught up with gorman in california. she said the thanks talk show hosts and bloggers for making her video go viral. >> it is gets passed on with people who probably don't agree with my conservative politics. if they thought about how much they were doing so, they might stop. >> reporter: are you packing heat right now? >> i'm in california. i don't think anybody but criminals have guns in california. >> you gentlemen revolted over a tea tax. a tea tax! >> reporter: rick barber calls for revolution with this ad featuring actors playing the founding fathers. >> gather your armies. >> i know thomas jefferson, he's a friend of mine, and the guy in his ad is no thomas jefferson.