the story getting all the buzz tonight is one that is going to be pretty baffling to adults. what do you do when you combine a moving car, daredevil teen, and a bridge? you get one really bad idea called car surfing. of course, it's caught on tape. >> kids do not try this at hope, at hope, on vacation, i don't care where you are. >> this daredevil balances on top of an suv. seconds later he adds this. >> completely insane. totally illegal on several counts. >> hit your head, you are gone. was it worth it. >> $1,000 in fines and possible jail time. >> you don't care, it's fun? >> it's fun the i know what i am doing. >> the brilliance of teenage boys. and a word to the wise -- car surfing is illegal for both the jumper and the driver. tonight, a dramatic trial,