able to get some boats outs in the next couple of hours to at least get out to where the boom has been laid and try to make sure ha we secure it. that's been damaged. if we can't get all the way to the oil and start skimming. >> well the coast guard is going out for an aerial survey today. it's going to check things out, check out the conditions and see how the storm is impacting things out there. well meanwhile, even as the oil spill did he have states her home state of louisiana, senator mary landreau defends the need for offshore drilling. but the is the democrat after jobs or big oil money for her re-election. we track into the money going into senator landreau's coffers. >> reporter: she's the top recipient of bp money in the last election cycle among all congressional candidates. and louisiana senator mary landreau makes no apologies for it. >> how do you respond to people