you are not old enough to remember this, suzanne, but i am. most of my adult life this would have been considered simply a figment of someone's imagination, because nothing would be considered stronger than the u.s. dollar. >> well, we will have to see what the viewers think of it. jack, joining me is a special guest and i don't know if you know who this is, but you have two malveauxs as opposed to one today. >> really? is this a relative? >> it is my twin sister, jack. >> well, get a close-up of her, so i can see, because i don't have any glasses on. oh, look at that. >> you have double trouble on your hands today. i hope you can handle it. >> so much beauty in a single-family. >> oh, my goodness. >> jack is a charmer. >> he has been so nice this week. he has been charming the heck out of us. so, we will see how it goes. it is working, jack. well, she is also a law professor at columbus law school specializing in civil rights and civil procedure, and suzette, we