>> wouldn't you? >> what type of turtle is she? >> she's are eshe's a loggerhea. she was oiled when she came in and she broke two capture nets coming in. she was lethargic on the surface of the water in oil. and they brought her in because of that. we got her cleaned up that night and she's turned out not to be a typical loggerhead. they're generally very aggressive animals. she's pretty passive despite her size. >> you do a lot of fund-raising. you need donations. where can people go? >> you can go to our website, www.autobahninstitute.org. >> this is different than the autobahn society? >> very much different. >> this is a local organization? >> yes. we're located in new orleans, louisiana. we actually operate several facilities in the new orleans area, a zoo, an aquarium and the research facility, which is the property we're standing on right