that day in 2008 that jeopardized everything about the future he had imagined, bone cancer, a rare form of cancer. more specifically, osteo sarcoma, usually strikes people much younger than bruce. >> there's never a moment that has not shadowed in some way by that phone call that cancer illness, the idea of dying, is never that far away. >> reporter: just days after the diagnosis, cape cod. bruce was consumed by a sense of loss. the man who had made a living by walking knew he might never walk again, might not live to see the twins grow up. his thoughts focused on them. >> i'm a person who has tried in my life to dream undreamable dreams. teach them how to dream. who is the person i'm going to say, tell them if they want to run a marathon, open a restaurant, write a book, cook the hardest souffle, who is

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Cancer ,People ,Bone Cancer ,Osteo Sarcoma ,Form ,Everything ,2008 ,Reporter ,Diagnosis ,Way ,Idea ,Phone Call ,Dying ,Cancer Illness ,Cape Cod ,Oman ,Fight Bruce ,Walking ,Person ,Living ,Twins ,Loss ,In My Life ,Sense ,Thoughts ,Dream Undreamable Dreams ,Book ,Restaurant ,Souffle ,Marathon ,

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