clean-up efforts. he's fighting the federal government to get permits to build oil containment systems between barrier islands. >> we're asking you agencies out there to work with us, work with us and listen to us. i guarantee you, you're going to be happy. it's going to come back after hurricane season. i can promise you that we'll protect the estuaries but we have to act now. >> reporter: governor jindal says booms and skimmers didn't make it to this part of louisiana before the oil creeped into the bay. he says it's proof bp's clean-up plan simply wasn't adequate. when you hear bp say we're doing everything we can, being as proactive as we can, nobody wants this cleaned up more than us -- >> nonsense. nonsense. fight this mile 15 to 20 miles out on the coast. don't fight it in the wetlands where the fish, crabs, oysters are. once this gets in here, the damage is already done. >> reporter: bp has been told to step up its clean-up efforts. but out here, the fishermen who live off these waters aren't