so i just want to make sure that people know that, that all of our seafood is not ruined. >> larry: james carville, did he, did he, did he not say anything you wanted him to say? >> look, i thought that he alluded to the coastal restoration and that is the clear thing the not just to clean up. we have got to restore the coastline there. he said he was committed to making the gulf better. so, i take it from there. i hope that he is right on this 90%, being able to capture 90%. i hope he is right the relief well is going to be there by the summer. i think that some people think it will take longer than that. but, hey, look, we can hope for a lot of things here. but of the big news is, how much is bp going to put into the fund. what are they going to do to expedite this. the speech is one thing. action is another. wait and see where we go from here. >> what james, can he force them to do? >> i am not sure from my