the fact that there was shipping and equipment, in order to contain, capture, 50,000, 60,000 barrels. shows they weren't up to a worst case scenario. >> no doubt. anderson. stand by. let's bring in best political team. john king, i thaument it was interesting, the president authorized guard troops to be deployed to help the governor in the states. i urge the governors in the states to activate the troops. as soon as possible. only one or two thousand activated. white house officials, they don't understand why the governors aren't acting. >> to a degree the governors don't have the equipment to use when you get there. when i was in alabama. i did see alabama national guards. working at dolphin island. a small number work in louisiana, in the marches, billy nungesser was talking about. the complaints. if you brought them in what would you do, enough booms, vessels? how can we fight this offshore? the national guard can't do it.

Related Keywords

Equipment ,Anderson Cooper ,Fact ,Order ,Barrels ,No Doubt ,Shipping ,Case Scenario ,Stand By ,Capture ,Shows ,60000 ,50000 ,States ,Governors ,Governor ,Troops ,John King ,Team ,Guard Troops ,One ,Two Thousand ,Work ,White House ,Officials ,Alabama ,Degree ,Number ,Governors Arent Acting ,Alabama National Guards ,Dolphin Island ,Billy Nungesser ,National Guard ,Vessels ,Offshore ,State Of Louisiana ,Booms ,Complaints ,Marches ,

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