well same old, same old, just rue teens, but no one should think of this as routine. each day it has sort of fresh disasters. each day the urgency should be building, not lessening for folks who aren't here. billy, i appreciate your time tonight. we'll talk to you more next week when we're here live from the gulf. now our exclusive interviews with the survivors of the deepwater horizons where a series of deadly explosions tloed this, the greatest environmental disaster in american history. gut wrenching accounts, hear from a group of men aboard that rig, five of them, from the first signs of trouble to the desperate efforts to save others and themselves. we'll bring you that. the survivors will also bring you concerns about the safety question they had and why they say bp was cutting corners and taking risk. tonight is a partnership with "360" and cnn's "special investigation." april 20th, gump of mention core, a crew of 126, some of the