good evening, everyone. tonight in the gulf of mexico the latest attempt to reduce that flow of oil may already be under way at this hour. bp hopes to start siphoning oil away from the gusher tonight using a mile-long tube to transfer oil to a ship. the strategy is designed to minimize the oil leak. it's still too soon to predict when the leak might be completely sealed. let's turn to cnn's david mattingly. he joins us from new orleans. david, anything new on the efforts to insert that tube into the leak now? >> reporter: only that tonight is the night that bp thinks they're finally going to get this right. they said that last night. but they encountered a problem. they had to bring the device all the way back up to the surface. they made some adjustments, put it back down, and they're now attempting to do what they have not been able to do since that rig sank. now, what they're going to do is put that tube inside that leaking pipe, and it's supposed