mean business" as the -- what was it the chick geek? can i call you the chic geek? is that it. >> that works. >> on the style network, "what i hate about me" and she's joining me live now from new york. so, those are your glasses, right? where are your 3-d glasses. >> they are. >> i thought that you had some 3-d glasses to show me, where are they. >> wait for it. >> oh, wait for it? okay. nice. >> those are nice ones. where'd you get those? >> you know a lot of people said that they were big and clunky and i was like oh my gosh you're being totally shallow and now i get it, they are embarrassing. they're big, they're clunky. this will not help me on date night, don. it's not. >> but when you're in the privacy of your own home the glasses usually don't matter. you have to have these big glasses but you said it's not clunk. we had those, what in the 1970s when they tried do 3-d on television. why is "playboy" doing this? >> exactly, well, "playboy's"