the birthers are not going away. not the army doctor who is disobeying orders because he doubts the president's citizenship. not the state legislators trying to pass laws to prove it. the question tonight is why do they believe the president isn't american? what is different about this president? keeping them honest. skil the army doctor now facing court-martial. also tonight, the supreme court pick. a top legal scholar but no experience as a judge. conservative commentators are already picking her apart. is she likely to pass without any problems? jeffrey toobin joins us. and later, crime and punishment. a story you won't believe this. burglary caught on camera. the victims? orlando bloom, even lindsay lohan. some of the biggest hollywood names. some of the alleged crooks, teenagers and among them, a reality show wannabe. a bizarre tale that could only happen in hollywood. first up, keeping them honest. the birther movement. despite being largely disproven