show. >> an anchor not afraid to weigh anchor, or sit on a camel. >> hold on. >> i'm on a camel, on a camel, oh, my god. hold on, hold up. hold on. >> reporter: for two decades he's been riding the bucking camel that is cable news -- >> tonight "the situation room" -- >> the only man in america with his own "situation room." >> reporter: and that unforgettable name. >> it's not wolfgang, it's just wolf. >> reporter: actually wolf was his grandfather's name and don't you forget, it although some do. >> well, first of all, let's. >> wolf. >> i don't know who chris is, but it's wolf. >> say, hi, to wolf. his name is wolf. >> hi. >> hi, guys. >> who in the hell is wolf. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn. >> would you ever go on "dancing with the stars"? >> reporter: new york. >> wolf blitzer, class-act. he's a good dancer. he's one of the nicest people you've ever met.

Related Keywords

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