here, the oil is still at least 35, 40 miles away. you can see right now, if it wasn't for this protective boom, it would be on these islands. these islands are amazing wildlife refuges. migratory birds come on their way to north central and south central america. these islands used to be 20 miles long north and south, but because of hurricanes over the years, katrina, george, it's about 16 miles. and ultimately, the fear is in years to come, the islands will be gone. they're uninhabited. a couple hundred years ago, there were a coupled hundred years ago who lived on the islands. now it's a wildlife refuge. and there's concern it will go over the boom and then on the islands and the coastline. >> gary, have you seen any oil other than the oil you just showed us? now, it seems like it's gotten smaller, some people say maybe it's gone deeper but what have you actually seen? >> reporter: we expected this island to be under oil because