and that's -- nothing has improved, believe me, since "exxon valdez". we're still looking at those -- >> all right, marine toxicologist, riki ott, thank you so much for bearing with us and at home for bearing with us because we know the audio was terrible but she had important information we thought we would try to get on the air as best we can. thanks so much, riki. even during the best of times, a job in the fishing industry is never easy. with an oil spill of this scale now threatening the gulf, towns along the coast are clearly facing a grim future. cnn's david mattingly has the story from a seafood town. >> reporter: time has run out, boats that should be fishing are tied to shore. we found crews deploying the town's last line of defense, a floating yellow boom. at this point the job is actually pretty simple. this boom is anchored to this barrier island over here at my