denver, colorado. hello. >> caller: good evening. >> good evening. >> larry: go ahead. >> caller: trumps, i'd like to ask you, do you think the housing market would be helped if bernanke were to raise the interest rates, and then the banks might be more willing to lend people, if they were getting -- able to make more money out of it? >> larry: that's a very good question. >> it is a very good question. not necessarily help, but this is a great time to go out and buy a house. you mow when i make speeches, two years ago, three years ago, i made speeches don't buy, don't buy. it was so overgreated. i would get in trouble, real estates companies would pay me a fortune to make speeches. now, great time to buy. great time to buy. >> larry: because? >> because the prices are low. this is a great time to buy houses. by the way, buy them from banks.