different in various provinces. >> larry: average. >> yeah, british columbia has the lowest. and quebec has the highest. so give me a range and we'll accept that as the answer. >> larry: quick thing. what about the automobile industry coming back? ford? how about ford? >> well, it's -- yeah, profits you mean are coming back. >> larry: yeah. selling more cars. >> yeah. any workers coming back? have you heard that at? >> larry: nobody's heard that. >> talk about the recovering economy. it doesn't recover unless people are working. and we have millions and millions of people. we have one of the highest unemployment rates. >> larry: wouldn't it be logical if more people by cars. >> you would hope that would happen. has that happened? because they have been doing better. ford has been doing better. >> larry: how about housing prices ticking up. people are buying more houses. aren't you encouraged by anything?