had, $1923. >> you paid $863 but you can buy it from a medical supply company for $192. >> yes, yes. that's very troubling. >> well, what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the american hospital association and ask them, please explain this mark of up to me. >> i thoroughly agree with that. >> so the mark-up on these forceps was more than four times what it would cost to get it from a medical supply company. why, four times? because people want that, people want to know why. >> i think everybody understands the notion that when you buy something, let's say like a steak and you want to have a really nice steak dinner at home. it's a lot less expensive to prepare it and enjoy it at home than it is out in the rest rant. >> if they want to charge you $863 for a disposable piece of equipment, they can do it. >> the hospital has to be able to bring in more money than it spends or it won't be there for