i mean, in practice, in actual practical situations, and again, i was a prosecutor. i prosecuted a lot of drug cases based on reasonable suspicion where an officer stopped someone because they believed that this person fits some sort of profile of being a drug dealer. this is exactly the same thing. officers would be allowed to stop someone based on what, in their mind, they believe is a reasonable suspicion that this person is an illegal immigrant. what other basis would you have for stopping someone other than the fact that the person was latino? >> kathy, you think this is also legalized profiling, basically? >> well, of course, it's racial profiling. the voters in arizona -- 12% of the voters in arizona are latino. so they're getting away with appeaing the majority. so because we don't have a big latino voice in arizona, they think they can get away with this. unfortunately, all the latinos around the country are paying attention, the largest latino