>> like a bat phone. >> i love that. >> larry: what are you doing next year? are you doing another show? >> i'm doing another show. >> yeah. >> larry: with you on it? >> of course. >> larry: what's the show? >> it's called the x factor." with a lower-cased x. >> larry: how did you become a part of this? >> i don't know. i'm trying to figure it out. writing songs for big artist, that's how i got on this full thing. i'm just happy it's not my first year because that was pretty rough. >> you didn't like last year? >> i did. i was nervous. the rolling of the eyes. >> larry: why are ratings down? is that natural attrition? >> you're asking me that question? why they're down a little bit? >> larry: well, everything is down a little bit. well, we're into our ninth