expect to find much. >> after the inmate has exited the cell. went over, basically pulled up the mattress. he had some of the items under his mattress. additional mattress underneath the bunk. >> reporter: the items, tax forms and address book with social security numbers, birth dates and cheat sheets for filling out returns. that was december of 2006. what lindback stumbled upon was a scheme run by inmates at the monroe county jail near i can west. before they were busted they filed for more than $1 million in tax refunds involving half the jail population. >> but what they would do is go to other inmates and suggest to an inmate, i can get you $4500 in a tax return. it will cost you $500. >> reporter: in some cases with the help of friends and family, the prisoners would fill out the 1040 ez short form. then attach a 4852 form with the names of businesses that didn't

Related Keywords

Reporter ,Inmate ,Mattress ,Didn T ,Items ,Tax Forms ,Cell ,Address Book ,Bunk ,Inmates ,Returns ,Lindback ,Social Security Numbers ,Cheat Sheets ,Scheme Run ,Monroe County Jail ,2006 ,December Of 2006 ,Tax ,Jail Population ,4500 ,1 Million ,Million ,500 ,Cases ,Businesses ,Help ,Family ,Form ,Prisoners ,Friends ,Tax Return ,Names ,Ez Short Form ,1500 Reporter ,00 ,124852 ,1040 ,

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