there's one texas pointed to. $693,000 for beef improvement research. this just came out within the hour. so, tony, what we're looking at here, the merits, or not, of these projects, keep in mind. they've create jobs often through this money and people can come up with various justifications. this group is confident this is pork. >> so earmarks and pork as one man stimulus program? how does this group decide -- and i took you right back to the stimulus desk. how does this group decide what counts as pork, josh? >> they look at a handful of criteria, how it was put in, only put in by one person, have to go through an approval process, was it an announce? in every single one they're listing in this report which now has washington talking that they're confidence every single things meets one criteria if not more. throughout the newsroom this afternoon today, tony, i'll be camped out here following more. >> it's stimulus.